Indigo (Future)

Proposal & Solutions

Smoking the Competition

In the spring of 2024, Indigo Dispensary opened its doors in Brooklawn, NJ. By the following year, they were ready to elevate their brand, expand their business, and redefine their place in the cannabis industry.


To achieve these ambitious goals, they needed advanced, comprehensive marketing and media solutions. Something beyond what an average agency could provide. That’s why Indigo partnered with Legend Initiative, joining our exclusive PR & Media Membership program to unlock transformative strategies and results.


Phase 1: Researching the Rules

The cannabis industry is relatively new, and with novelty comes a host of restrictions. Our first step in working with Indigo was conducting thorough research into the rules and regulations governing the promotion and marketing of cannabis businesses in New Jersey. After completing this research and consulting with our legal partners, we moved into the strategy development stage, ensuring compliance while crafting a powerful and effective marketing approach.


Phase 2: Strategy Development

In this stage, we conducted comprehensive audits of their media channels, including website, social media, email, print, and streaming platforms. These audits evaluated messaging, content quality, audience engagement, reach, and revenue generated by each channel.


Following the audits, we interviewed the entire Indigo team—from management to security—to gain a deeper understanding of their internal culture and the brand identity they promote. This insight allowed us to craft messaging that authentically connects with their audience.


With these findings, we developed a Strategic Messaging Plan (SMP) outlining key messages, KPIs, content pillars, and integrated media solutions designed to drive impactful results.


Phase 3: Integrated Media Campaign

After strategy comes execution. Our goal was to elevate their content and media efforts, ensuring their message resonated deeply with their audience while fostering a stronger community. The tailored plan included a robust content marketing strategy featuring monthly professional video production, engaging blog writing, bi-weekly targeted email and messaging campaigns, dynamic social media marketing, advanced analytics and reports, and exclusive access to quarterly marketing communication workshops for their team.


Phase 4: Performances & Results

To be continued….

Don’t Stop Here

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